IT abi/IT support
Hetkel aktuaalne:
IT-spetsialistid on kõrgkooli hoones kohapeal E-R 8.30-16.30 (võimalusel ka kl 8.00-st). Väljaspool tööaega palun saatke e-mail vastavale spetsialistile või üldisele IT-toe aadressile .
Abi pakuvad:
IT-tugi | Aivar Ilves |
Hannes Rodima | Magnus Pappel |
Asko Kesk | Heli Raun |
Currently relevant: (Newline digital displays for classrooms instructions )
Working hours:
IT-specialists are available in the building from Mon-Fri 08:30-16:30 (from 08:00, if possible). Outside of working hours please send an e-mail to the corresponding specialist or main support contact .
Support specialists:
IT-support | Aivar Ilves |
Hannes Rodima | Magnus Pappel |
Asko Kesk | Heli Raun |
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